Get best friend back?

- in PlayStation

It all started in the summer of this year. We met as always and had a lot of fun, in the evenings we played online as always. Then I was suddenly in a bad mood and argued with him (wasn't the first time. So I turned off my PS4 and ended our 3 year friendship. I then blocked him on What's App and then wrote him again 1 month ago that I'm sorry for what I said and did. But he just said that it wouldn't make any sense because I lied to him too often, that's true, I've lied to him every now and then about little things Best friend asked if she had any advice for me. She said immediately that I should talk to him Perönlih at school. Of course I did, but he said the same thing again, that it would no longer make sense. And I hope you can help me because I really "miss" him. He was just my only friend. Is there still a chance? Or was that now? I have often stretched because of him because he was my one and only (I'm not gay)

PS: I'm 14 years old only if it is important for your answer


I think you tried everything and should learn from it for the future. So that your behavior towards others can also have consequences that are permanent and therefore think about what you are doing beforehand. You will probably not be able to do more. Looking for new friends.


It's okay to be annoyed or angry, even with your best friend. But if you react very exaggerated and, as in your case, directly end the friendship just because you are in a bad mood, then the other can never rely on you not to do that again.

In my eyes I think too much has been broken. Learn from it for the future, you will make new friends again.