My adolescent child doesn't come from his lack of drive?

- in PlayStation

I'm already so desperate, our child 17 just can't get going. He just does what he has to do and in no time. After that he just sits in his room, listens to hard rap all day and is otherwise with the playstation. The best weather can be outside, no matter. I just have to drive him out of his room. Sport etc, no thanks. If only I urge him to do it because he had an accident and has to build muscle. If he has free time (now to corona anyway), he is in bed until 10. Until I ask when he thinks of getting up. That is not normal, OR it is normal. Who knows that? I'm pretty desperate, something like that can only make you unhappy?


Don't know what your relationship is like, but if driving him doesn't work, you could try listening to him why he doesn't want to get up, whether he's fine with the situation, whether he's worried. Signal that you are always there when you want to talk.

Of course, can't do anything, is a different approach and maybe he needs it at the moment

Depression could of course also be, but I don't think anyone in the community can assume remote diagnosis


He probably has the same worries about the future as you do. It is also a difficult time for us young people. We can't meet our friends, it is unclear how and whether it will continue after the holidays, we can't pursue our hobbies and and and…

Talk about your worries.

Maybe you just let him do it for a while. After all, it's "vacation" and then thinks about how to proceed.

No one needs stress at the moment


So as a legal guardian you have to take action yourself.

Restrict the internet, ask for a share of the food - for example, you can raise money by doing a part-time job. Tidying up, washing clothes, generally helping in the household and garden. And set the alarm clock. Every morning during normal school hours.

And these "definitely depressions" posts here are nonsense. He is lazy, pubescent and doesn't get his but up. You don't need a therapist, you need someone to take action. Our country is on the brink of collapse and future generations are as resilient as a piece of butter. The young people should slowly wake up, make something of themselves and do something. That was completely normal 15 years ago and no one had depression just because they did nothing to get out of the comfort of doing nothing.


This is normal, he is probably also someone who only acts if he knows the consequences (I don't mean punishments), I speak from experience, because I'm exactly like that. I know the consequences if you are only indoors and gamble all day. Then I was overweight. Then when it got too blatant, I lost weight through diet and exercise. My parents told me 100 times to go out, but at some point I got so used to hearing that I just hid it. To put it in a nutshell: I think that he will not change his behavior until he experiences the consequences himself.

So just have it done, but if you don't like it, I would talk to professionals (therapists).

Otherwise I can't help, unless you still have questions about sports and nutrition (you write something about muscle building)


He needs reasonable employment. Now at corona time it is to be welcomed if he stays at home, but you should get him to learn or take care of an apprenticeship.

Perhaps he can now apply for help for the elderly or in the harvesting area during the Corona period. As a harvest worker, he can earn money for the driving license.


He has an apprenticeship and he does what he has to do. But yes, dash know more