Are his buddies more important to him?

- in PlayStation

My boyfriend does something with his buddies every day. Since I work during the week it is more difficult to do something, but then he comes to see me once a week. Most of the time he still wants to go to his buddies that evening and the next day he goes home in the afternoon so he can do something with the others.

He always says that when I'm on vacation he comes to see me more often. Now, the last two times I was on vacation, he still only came once on the weekend and now I'm on vacation too and I asked him how it looks during the week, whether he would like to come more often. He said he could only come on December 26th, next Saturday, because he still has lectures at the university until Tuesday and he can't come Wednesday to Thursday, for unknown reasons, and Thursday, at Christmas, prefers to do something in the evening with a buddy.

I can understand it when he says he has no time etc., but now that it's lockdown and he can't get out with the others for so long, he gambles with his buddies every evening.

The last time he was there he said he should have taken his PS4 with him so he could play with his friends in the evening. Then I also thought to myself why he would come to me at all if he would have preferred to play with the others…

It feels like I'm just someone he can flank away because we don't do anything either…

By the way, he's 20 and I'm 18 and we've been together for 5 months. Is it normal at the age that his buddies are so much more important to him?


Why isn't he your ex?


It's your own fault if you've been through this for so long. I don't know any girl that would put up with that.


I think you should organize your "own" life.

If he gets the signal okay.

If he doesn't understand, you shouldn't just organize it, but live it.


What are you doing in the time you see each other?


So he's actually always just lying in my bed, looking at the cell phone or watching TV


So mates. I used to tell my girlfriend that when I was with my affair.

Is he the buddy guy? Just ask how often do you have sex when he's around? If it slips over there 3 times you have a problem.

Otherwise you tell him what you want to do. Pick something and then say stay here, we'll do it now. And yes then it should get better - that's not a condition.

If it were really playing the computer then it would be fine. It's just not a computer game.


You're asking the wrong questions.
Where does it say what is normal or what should be normal?
Because of what, should you be more important to him? N / A?

He knows his buddies, they know what to do better with, they are more on the same level and tend to have the same interests.

The question arises, how did you get that? What was so interesting about him, if he was always like that, only his buddies count?

You two didn't do anything together for 5 months, and you waited and hoped for 5 months? How is it with his buddies, do they have no female relationships either, or does it look different?

So when I was 20, I wasn't really interested in women and everything. Didn't come until years later. Women are so different, hardly anyone knows anything about them. Often not even other women.

Why are you in such a hurry, isn't it enough to start at 24?


So I know that he always does something with his buddies, because he always snaps me and has told him several times, which bothers me, but nothing has changed.