Why can't I do anything with myself or why does nothing satisfy me in the long term?

- in PlayStation

That could be a question for any hobby psychologist.

First of all - I'm fine, don't worry.

I've noticed the following lately / the last few months. No matter what I do in my free time - nothing keeps me happy in the long run. It doesn't matter whether I watch series, watch films or play on the Playstation. Everything gets boring after a short time and I keep jumping back and forth between activities.

And no, it's not due to Corona, because I still work my 12 hours on a regular basis and thus actually have a regular life. Can anyone figure this out? Especially in the evening there's a kind of "escape feeling". Then I usually walk for several hours and listen to music.

I have the only "fulfillment" somehow when I can deal with other people or their problems or communicate with them.

Interestingly, I do not have this fulfillment when I communicate with my circle of friends, because there I always have the feeling that I'm only dealing with anti-social people.

I know the whole thing sounds very strange and I've been plaguing myself for several weeks with the question of whether this is the right place to ask this question.

PS. Weird troll postings are not welcome.


I think it depends on our dependency on cell phones, computers, television etc. Admits a cool movie… The social dilemma.


The funny thing is, I wouldn't consider myself addicted. I could read a book too. The experience would be the same


I would perhaps wonder what is filling or missing?
That television and console doesn't make you happy in the long run is somehow clear, right?
But since Corona is currently and everything is closed. There's nothing else you can do and walk. Which you are already doing.

Perhaps also question one or the other in your circle of friends?

There's not much that can be done right now. You go to work, that's nice. Exercise maybe to let off excess energy.

Love from


That's the problem. I couldn't even tell you what I'm missing or what is fulfilling me. But yes, something is missing. I haven't had anything to do with the Circle of Friends for months. I say yes. A strange vicious circle


I can totally understand you. I don't maybe sit down at a table and think about it. What else you might want to do. Or what your goals are. Or do you have hobbies that you can currently still pursue?

I can really recommend sport. Pour happiness hormones and you get out of your depth.

Friends are super important. Maybe you have a friend you can hang out with and do sports together?


Well to be honest. I haven't had people I would really call friends for a long time. My goals that I have set for myself (please don't laugh), such as vacation abroad. I can forget about it anyway. Hobbies is one of those things. In principle I don't have any. Sport is a great thing, but I just lack motivation. I say yes. A vicious circle. Nevertheless, thank you very much for your kind answer


Too bad.


Nevertheless many thanks!


Yes, of course, I feel the same way. The problem is not short-term either. But that we always have stimulation from outside media when we're bored and hardly have to deal with ourselves, hardly learn to deal with boredom. As a result, we come to rest less / are always looking for new stimulations / can hardly do without interesting stimulation.


Wow. Well written and a very interesting approach

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