Is the Nintendo Switch Lite worth it for the long term?

- in Nintendo

Do you own a Nintendo Switch Lite and for how long? Is it worth viewing for long-term gaming?

Would like animal crossing


Just download Animal Crossing for mobile is Free


YouTube has quite good review videos on the Lite.
For example, if you Never want to play on TV, it would be a good alternative, but have a look at YouTube because everything is listed ^^


The Switch Lite is catastrophic. It's disgusting to just look at the small screen. I would also recommend a Pro Controler to everyone, because in my opinion the joysticks on the Switch feel imprecise and somehow cheap.

Docking should be mandatory, every game (except Pokemon, which somehow looks pixelated) looks much better on a television. The shaders look much more intense. In addition, you can then adjust the color and contrast at will on the monitor.

In addition, should you break a Joycon on the Switch Lite (what often happens: rubber of the Joycons is loosened; Joycon drifts), you have to buy a completely new Switch. With the normal you only have to order new Joycons.

Third advantage: The sound is much more comfortable because you can connect boxes or headphones to the TV and are not only dependent on audio jack, but can also use Cinch and Tosslink. This is important if you have a soundbar or want to hear with wireless headphones without noise (with digital connection). However, your monitor / TV should also have corresponding connections.

Conclusion: The Switch Lite is not worth it in the long term.


But that's worse than the new animal crossing for Switch


My brother has the Switch lite and has been playing with it for a few hours every day since Christmas. I think it's quite good and I think it's worth it. His is equipped with a case, display film and protective nupsis on the joysticks and still looks like new, although he quickly processes his things into junk. That speaks for the console. Personally, I prefer the normal switch, because I mostly play on the TV with my Pro Controller. But if you don't like to play on TV and you don't mind the lack of vibration and the slightly smaller screen, then you can safely access it. The smaller screen (as far as handheld mode is concerned) is really not dramatic, because that of the New 2DS / 3DS XL e.g. Is even smaller and most of them get along really well.

In addition, the Switch is a really great console with good games and animal crossing on it is awesome.


You can't compare Animal Crossing New Horizons, which is a main game, to Pocket Camp, which is more of a free and rather worse spin-off.


Nothing changes that animals crossing new horizon is better. And I never said it was a main game.


I didn't really mean you, but well…


Oh yes ka


I would really recommend the normal switch, it simply has some advantages over the lite version. 😉


Ok then sorry xD but just replied to my comment