PS4 controller R3 stick has a malfunction?

- in PlayStation

I've had this problem for about a year now. So… When I play games, for example Fortnite, my controller always automatically moves to the left, as if I were moving the stick to the left, except that I don't do anything. But if I pull to the left myself, it is much slower than it should be. I think it's clear what I mean. This is not because of the games themselves, but it is more intense for some than for others. It is not due to an error in the Bluetooth transmission, since the same problem also occurs with USB communication between the controller and the PS4. I once looked in the controller myself to see if I could find something striking. There, a cable to the vibration motor is not connected to the controller, but that should hardly be the problem. I also didn't find any cables that weren't plugged in properly.


You can't do anything about it. I got a new controller and paid more attention to how hard I press and deal with the controller…


It is due to the left motion sensor in the L3

Can be easily repaired.

if you need help just write me


If the so-called stick drifts, there are some videos on Youtube how you can fix it.

Personally too much work for me. I live with it until the PS5 comes out.


I have exactly the same problem 😱 but I never looked inside. I never know how to solve the problem myself.


I have these motion sensors outside now to clean them. Do you know if they can get wet?


Experience shows that they are defective so I would recommend a complete exchange: /
