Ps4 controller has tick in the rake stick?

- in PlayStation

I have the following problem with my ps4 controller. This is already the case with the 3rd controller. And although I have with each controller my current I have always problems for 2 weeks after a time with the R3 stick. In the game, the line of sight always moves without me moving the stick to the left. This is already the case with the 3rd controller. The first time that happened, I got these ticks late. The following one got after a time these problems and my present just after 2 weeks. I do not know why that is because I'm very careful that I do not damage the controller or something. In addition I have to say that I have always connected a haedset to the controller. I hope you can help me I really do not know what the problem is.


I actually had this problem with the drifting sticks as well, but with my Nintendo Switch Joy Cons, and I know that this problem is also prevalent especially with the Switch. That's why I researched on the internet what to do with drifting sticks, and found out, among other things, that contact cleaners can be injected under the "skin" of the Control Stick. So I ordered Kontaktreiniger for about 7 euro on Amazon and looked at me in a YouTube video exactly how to apply the contact cleaner. I would also recommend watching such a video before I even apply contact cleanser, just to make sure that you do everything right and do not break anything. There are also several such videos on YouTube, but in English.

So I removed the Joy-Cons of my Nintendo Switch from the console, with tweezers the black "skin" under the stick trying to hold up, so you can see the white interior, and then sprayed in pure contact cleaner. You should also make sure that the console and the Joy-Cons are turned off and you press no button on the Joy Cons, so the Joy-Con does not accidentally! After applying contact cleaner, you should "massage" the stuff by turning the stick a bit. Then one should let the Joy-Con allegedly for several hours before it is used again, but I used my Joy-Cons after a few minutes and the sticks worked perfectly again! I'm glad to have used the contact cleaner, because it worked wonderfully.