To all who are familiar with Pc screens and gaming equipment?

- in PlayStation

So. Luckily I decided to switch from ps4 to PC. All right, but I'm the absolute beginner so if I'm a beginner I mean beginner. I have absolutely no idea how to assemble a pc or whatever that is not so bad, since I know someone who assembles PCs, etc. My question, however, is rather my questions:

Since I'm just a girl, I would be glad about a pink equipment, which is why I will decide then for the razer Quartz - collection, if I then but the headset zulege or razer Kraken quartz edition I still have to decide. Have you already experienced this set? What would you advise against?

to the second and last question: I need a screen of small but cheap and has a good resolution! Of course not tiny, but he should not take so much space. As I said there are absolutely terrible and know me absolutely not what annoys me personally, so I hope that someone here can help me further.


I understood absolutely nothing how to assemble a pc

Try it yourself. It is not difficult, but can v. A. Take the first time long.

Since I'm just a girl, I would be glad about a Pink equipment

Spray pink housing xD

depending on what you want exactly, then arrange by price