Why do my parents prefer my siblings?

- in PlayStation

So let's start like this, my siblings are very "pampered" my sister has a cell phone and an ipad my brother has a cell phone a tablet a playstation and my other brother also has a playstation a cell phone a computer a survice and a tv and I could from this. Dream things. My siblings get great things for their birthday, my parents always plan everything nicely and my father slept on my birthday. My brother somehow gets 20 euro for a 3 in a job and I don't get anything I wanted an Ipad for my birthday and my father said I was exaggerating in general, everyone says why I expect an Ipad in my work Talked to my father about it and he said I deserve an Ipad and a Macbook and all the trimmings, but he doesn't buy any of them. Does anyone have the same situation? And if so, how do you deal with it?


Get used to it. Life is not a pony farm, life is preparation for hell.


I answered your question earlier about your grades. I would also not reward my child if they only brought home bad grades. Your parents may be disappointed in you right now because they believe you could get much better grades. If it is so important to you that your parents have a good picture of you, put off your laziness and start studying. Believe me, it doesn't do you any good to mess up your high school diploma or stay seated. If you have to repeat the year, you feel even less eager to study.


Your siblings may be preferred because they have better grades than you or don't need parenting to improve because your parents are happy with them. The fact that your parents refuse you beautiful things that you want to have looks to me like an educational measure that they only stop when you improve. Go up to your parents and negotiate with them. Say, for example, if I improve by 2 grades in 3 subjects, I will get my IPad or IPhone or whatever. If they agree, you automatically have an incentive to learn more.


I wrote nh two in math and my parents even wanted to buy me something at one and now i don't get anything.


They just think that this new thing will distract you a lot and that you will learn even less as a result. Believe me, you have to prove yourself diligent for a while before you can get anything. That's just psychology they use. They won't buy you new things until they think you take school seriously. As I said a single 2 is no proof that you take it seriously. They believe that you wrote these 2 only to get what they promised you to buy and then you are distracted again