Asthma from fear / stress?

- in PlayStation

I had a small psychosis about a month ago due to cannabis consumption, which is now almost gone, during that time I often had a lump in my throat, probably due to the anxiety disorder that I also had, but now I have been around 4 days where I can hardly breathe, it feels like my neck is tied up. I went to the doctor today and he said I had a small bronchial asthma, I think that was triggered by anxiety or stress in the past few weeks. In addition, there's also the fear of the Corona virus, which made everything worse.

can it be that i now have asthma due to stress / anxiety?

and if so, does this asthma go away? And if so, how?

When I distract myself e.g. Playing soccer and / or playing a playstation, I usually have no breathing difficulties, so it confirms that I'm afraid.


It may be that I now have asthma due to stress / anxiety

There you have the answer to your question!


Asthma doesn't come from fear. Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the bronchi. Anxiety can provoke a seizure because you are hyperventilating but not causing asthma. Either the doctor was wrong, or you had asthma before and you only just noticed it. Did he do a pulmonary function test. Do you get a spray? Does it help?


So it comes from that?


He stuck patches to my chest / main arteries / legs and attached hoses to them. I got spray.

likewise the medication singulair

so far i have not noticed any improvement in breathing.

So can stress / anxiety still cause shortness of breath? I also have a beep when exhaling and mucus in the throat


Pulmonary function test means you have to blow into a device. There's no other way to diagnose asthma.