My friend is just gambling, what should I do?

- in PlayStation

My friend (20) and I have been together for almost 2 years now. At the beginning everything was great and I was very happy, but now for several months he is constantly gambling. He almost never writes to me, he actually never asks me if we want to see each other. Mostly I'm the one who asks if we see each other. When we see each other, I drive to him and he only plays. I've talked to him many times but that never did anything. When I asked him what was more important to him, I or the Playstation, he replied that the Playstation was more important. Often we talk about our future and he says he wants me to marry and kids. Once I told him that if he keeps doing this we will not have a future, he just answers "you would never break up anyway".

I'm very unhappy and cry daily because I just do not feel loved anymore. But I love him so much that I can't separate myself from him. I know deep inside that he loves me but he does not show it, I'm just there to clean up, have sex and make him food.

If I search the conversation again, he just makes fun of me, I would hire myself and I could be glad that I'm with him.

He forbids me a lot but he can afford anything. My opinion does not count at all.

I sleep very badly at night and this relationship really goes to the psyche.


We can't help.

Only you can do it.

We can only advise you to disconnect hu. He will not change that. Not that menden are not able to do this. But he has signaled that he does not want.

Of course you love him. And it may well be that he loves you too.

And further? As you can see, love is not everything.

That's why there's no easy way. You have to go through a breakup full. With all the pain that goes with it.

But see it that way. You're suffering now, too. So where is the difference? None except for a great aspect.

When disconnecting you only suffer a short phase. You will be free again and able to breathe. Can be happy again.

Then you can have your personal happiness and life again. And make you free for the man who still fills you after years


Imagine, a good friend would tell you this story, how would you react? Would you tell her to give up her own needs and stay with her boyfriend or would you advise her to put an end to the relationship? The problem with relationships is always that you are too absorbed in it and sometimes you can't make a decision - but the outside view can help you to look at things a little more distantly. All the best.


Good advice to make the right conclusions. And to find the strength


Leave him, this dog…