Gaming PC for 1000 euro?

- in PlayStation

I actually wanted to get a PS5 Digital because my friends are all playing on playstation. Since I've been waiting for my PS5 since November, the delivery dates keep shifting, I'm now thinking of getting a pc because I have a monitor anyway and many of my friends also get a gaming pc. Hence my question whether I can get a gaming pc for 1000 euro with which most games run in 4k 60 (my monitor only has 60hz for 4k). I would also be happy to receive specific recommendations for gaming pc for around 1000 euro.


You already need the one here: cheaper can't be recommended for 4k 60 fps! But it's really awesome! And extremely cheap for its performance and the parts installed


Not only the PS5 has delivery delays, but also graphics cards / processors / … Have significant delivery problems. That is why it is only worth investing in a new gaming machine at the end of the year.

(My opinion!)


For the price, an RTX 2080 is at least in there. As a processor, I would get one of the new AMD processors (i.e. The new 5th generation, e.g. The Ryzen 7 5800X).