Why such a touch anxiety?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I've been scared of hiv for 2 months now. And when my dad or mother comes in the room, I get hatred for them because I do not like that they handle my things like. PC MAUS., PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER OR TELEVISION DETERMINED AND GENERALLY WHAT WHAT I ALSO BEGIN. And I know that my parents have no HIV. But why do I think something like that. If you give me some tips except psychology, etc… Would I be grateful…


You ask an obvious psychological question and want an answer that has nothing to do with psychology? Strange.

If this fear restricts you, you should talk to your parents about it. And they should encourage you to talk to a psychologist.

You can't be infected by touching HIV.


You obviously have a fear disorder, and judging by your previous questions also already much longer than "2 months".

Psychotherapy is unfortunately the only tip you can give there. If you are looking for a psychotherapist or if necessary also a psychiatrist, the medication is basically also (additionally) treatable. Psychotherapists often have long waiting lists; however, chances are, if you call a few more, or try a psychiatric outpatient clinic, they have a better chance of communicating with someone…


Now that your fear is unfounded, I probably do not need to say that. But fears are irrational and sometimes inexplicable. I can only tell you the following about Hiv. It does not translate into "touch". Hiv is a very difficult to transmit disease. There are scientific studies that showed your couples having unprotected sex without knowing that either Hiv is positive. It turned out that even after dozens of sex, the uninfected partner had not infected in most cases.

In addition, there are perhaps 5,000-10,000 Hiv positive people across the country who are heterosexual and who have gotten the virus through heterosexual contacts, not drug use, e.g. The probability of meeting one of these people, and then even the fact that it even comes to a contagion is 0.00005%.

And even if you ever get infected with what is almost impossible as a heterosexual, non-drug addict, then you can lead a nearly normal life today. Your life expectancy changes, thanks to excellent medicines hardly by it!

The risk of dying of cancer, heart attack or simple pneumonia is much much higher.

Hiv is really a disease, which is now partly better to get a grip on such. Rheumatism… Or Multiple Sclerosis… AND Hiv will most likely become invulnerable throughout life.

So forget about HIV. The risk, as you see it, is nonexistent!


Thank you… 😊👍