Fallout 4 on the playstation 4 jerks and lags?

- in PlayStation

I've had problems with my playstation for over a year now, but since I reinstalled the system software it works again, but the first game I tested was fallout 4 and when I started I noticed it stick when walking straight ahead press it completely forwards it jerks very strongly when walking straight ahead then I played my way through to codsworth first to see whether it might get better but when I'm in a dialogue with someone and just click one of the four possible language options I have a freez for about three seconds every time and then it goes on and that's annoying and I need your help

Thanks in advance mfg

P.S. I also tested battlefield 1 and everything went perfectly except for a cutscene which was a bit lagged but that can happen.


Fallout is generally known to be unstable, Fallout 4 is poorly optimized but should run at least acceptable on the ps4, around 30fps, think it's primarily due to your console, is it maybe excessively loud / hot? If a game console gets too hot, it will reduce its performance. If that is then permanent, the games may run jerkily

Had something like that with a ps3 because some games stuttered after the ps3 was played warm


No, so the problem is first and foremost that it is lagging when I go straight ahead, the other problem has subsided again (however that happened) but when I go straight ahead it goes forward but stops so often and very briefly because if I move the left stick in other directions, i.e. Go backwards or sideways, nothing happens only when I go forwards I have this problem I can sprint straight ahead I can also go straight ahead if I push the stick slightly forward but when I do push it completely forward again then it just starts to lie like that again


Oh, thought with the jerking when running forward meant that it was lagging, maybe you have a second controller to test if it's because, Fallout 4 is based on an old engine that maybe can't handle a small malfunction in the analog stick as well as current games (just an idea)