How do you like Fallout 4, and prefer PC or console?

- in PlayStation

How do you like the game? In my opinion one of the best games ever.

Is my absolute favorite game.

I have it on the PC and on the Ps4-Pro and would like to start over, but I can't decide on which platform. Pc had better graphics thanks to the GTX 1080, but the control with the controller somehow feels more real. It is also more comfortable to sit on the couch and I don't want to drag the giant PC out of my study into my living room just to connect the controller there. In addition, everything is somehow cleaner on the Ps4, no idea how to describe it exactly… You are not easily tempted to activate any cheats / mods on the Ps4 if you get stuck or the Munni is all out and won't so easily distracted by other things like on the pc. Furthermore, the games at Ps4 don't go down like this, if you can put it that way. By this I mean that the PC is still used for many other things and the installed games on it go down completely and only feel like secondary applications that are totally easy to forget and "leave in the corner".

I'm glad for every answer.


A good OpenWorld action role-playing game with a settlement system that is a little too superficial and a character build that is too simplified for the series. After Fallout 76 and Brotherhood of Steel the weakest Fallout.


I'm also a big Fallout fan. I only have a Ps4 Pro and therefore can't compare to Pc, but I would also advise you to use the PS version. Have you played the DLCs yet? I also think it's awesome. What I always enjoy about PS is collecting trophies, maybe you can set the goal to be 100% (if you don't already have it).

If the graphics are not the most important to you, I would also recommend Fallout 3 and New Vegas, apart from the graphics, which I enjoyed at least as much.

What else are you playing on Ps4?



I think Fallout 4 is awesome! I was especially taken with the settlement system! Finally build your own hut where you can store everything! A box for every wish! And in between the pretty good main questline! There's a lot to criticize, but I like the 4 HQ quest lines with the many mixing options! I also think it's good that no faction is clearly good or bad! Everyone has a motive!

I'm a "PC friend" if you are stuck in a corner you use the console! However, you also have to have self-control and withdraw yourself while cheating! But this also applies to glitches! But you can reach everyone in the game! There's nothing so impossible that you absolutely have to cheat! (I'm not talking about bugs or clothing that was created but can't be found in the game…)

Infinite money => clean water!


Bethesda games generally on the PC. The games are known for their modding community, which upgrade the games a lot.


I think every game feels better on PC because you have a lot more power over the aim with the mouse