Hide Ps4 game from parents?

- in PlayStation

I recently got GTA 5 for the PS4. My parents just do not know about it. How can I hide content from my feed, or how can I disable the game that I used last to appear at the top?


Meal, that does not work.
You have to explain it to your parents or do not play it.


Create a new account on the PS4 and use GTA5 only with this account. If your parents only monitor your activity through a PS4 app, they will not notice it.

PS: you can also use all your digitally purchased games and PS + with your new account


And what do we learn from this? No longer secretly play from 18 games


We learn from this that we should secretly play USK 18 titles for helicopter parents with control mania. Then the parents are reassured and you have your fun 😀


Yes, you are really grateful to your parents for caring about you, etc. Do you wish other people to wish that parents who once had limited their childhood would have shown that it is not right to let everything slip through, just show that Parents love, are there and take care of themselves. If you prefer that your parents let everything go through, you are allowed to drink the pear with 13, may smoke the best and may join any other k * ck tell them how nasty they are. But then, when you are old, do not cry around that you are totally messed up, nothing has become of your life, nobody has ever set boundaries for you and nobody has cared and cared for you lovingly. Besides that, I think it's great that parents forbid this, so that in a usk 18 game you do not have to indulge in the immature pubescent beeping voices. Honestly, it sucks so tough! If there's a law at least a headset ban for such cases as you!


I just meant that you have exaggerated a bit (with coked etc), but in itself I think it's not really good to fool his parents so much or to deceive if you secretly do things that were banned…

and why I do not think so much about age restrictions / laws… Eg: psn credit cards = FSK18; Amazon giftcard = (as far as I know) FSK12 … Do you know what I mean? I can't get a PSN card at 16, but with Amazon cards PSN buy credit on the internet (ID can be borrowed from the parents as a confirmation = no security, perfect for those who like to betray their parents).


Because of the verkokst verkerkst, thought that would be a spelling mistake… Oops sry 😅


Of course, GTA (5) should not be played (or watched) by young and impressionable people, but if you were to "recommend" GTA from 14, it would not play 10 but 6 year olds (there are, 6 year olds playing it)), moreover, it is said again and again but it is true that that is individual, whether, for example, a 13-year-old can handle it. For example, the aforementioned "torture scene," an immature person would enjoy or marvel at brutality, while someone more mature (not older, because that's a big difference) would see the entertainment as the tortured person their entire lives, virtually all by Trevors Decision made, a kind of WOW effect that would not have existed on immature players. The scene and the irony and serenity of the actions that can be done there, that is how a mature person would describe the entertainment of the game, that's what matters. It's also nonsense when people think they are good because they do not play this nasty game, it's just about the difference between non-negatively affecting conversation and personal reality change that can only happen to children. By and by that, one should judge the game restriction for minors.

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