Signs of illness? Important?

- in PlayStation

Hey guys I'm 14 years old and male and wanted to ask if these symptoms are due to a disease: Yesterday I gambled Ps4 and after 1-2 hours my eyes got drenched (probably not blinking) then I lay down and got myself it got worse and got nausea. After that I lay down in my bed and wanted to read my book and fell to sleep after 2 pages, when I woke up I got total headache and nausea I called my mother and described it and she said I should go outside to the fresh air, When I came back I lay down again and it only got worse until my mother came and I had eaten (I had already had breakfast) then I felt better. Achso and my throat was very dry and has hurt my swallowing little. This morning, when I wanted to get out of bed, my nose suddenly started to bleed (it was only 10 seconds). I'm feeling better, but my throat is still burning when I swallow. So, can that be a sign of some kind of illness, like brain tumor or something? LG


Approaching cold determined. Nasal bleeding may occur, especially after nasal wash.

Relax yourself! Stay calm

good health… That'll be fine!


Thank you very much


A brain tumor is different. Maybe an incipient cold. But remote diagnostics are not working. Let the complaints clear up medically!


A brain tumor will most likely not be!

It may be that you have an incipient cold and it can also come through the irritated mucous membranes sometimes to nosebleeds.

If it worries you too much and it is not better by Monday, a doctor's visit is advisable!

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