Can't hear some things?

- in PlayStation

I was playing at the GTA today and I noticed that if you shoot a rocket after me, I don't hear the sound (this piping) or I have a thermal sniper and there I hear when I activate / deactivate the sound, but when I plug in my headphones I hear the noises, I also reset the audio settings but don't hear the noises, I have already turned up the volume and it doesn't work, does anyone know why I don't hear it?

Ps: Play on Ps4


Huh? XD if you snip or are generally on the floor and not in a vehicle then you can't be targeted. You will only be followed by guided missiles who you are in a vehicle.


So again when I'm chased by a guided missile while I'm sitting in my jet, for example, I do not hear the beeping and do not know when the missile hits me or whether there's a missile behind me at all.

My question was whether someone knows why this is so or maybe it is the same with you


In which view do you play whom you play jets? There's a bug that you see with the first person or simply another view that you do not hear the piping.


Oh how do you know that

Do you have a source


Hm, maybe everyone who makes GTA videos. You also notice who you fly the helicopter and access the first person.


Well, I hear that in the videos of them, I can see why I would have asked the question otherwise, but the bug has not existed for 3 years

I have to say that I heard the sound 1 week ago