Play Assassin's Creed Origins and Assassin's Creed Odyssey Offline?

- in PlayStation

I wanted to ask one of you know if you can play the two games offline? Because diagonally my Ps4 when I play online always makes loud noises and I do not know if it is only online. It would be good if I could get an answer to this question in advance


Since both games do not have a multiplayer mode, of course, offline play is possible.


And how does that work in ps4?


You can pretend your friends are like assassins


Do you know how to go offline then?


You can just start the game, it makes no difference if you are online or not, as this only affects the shop.

Otherwise, in the settings of the PlayStation or Network just log out and ready.


Can't somehow be online in the game?


Only if you are offline from the PlayStation or disconnect the Internet from the console, otherwise no.

Is that so important? Nothing changes the game, you just have access to the InGame Shop, nothing more.


Well that's true but as said above it is when it is online my ps4 loud so I mean noise except you have in the synonymous with an explanation


Your PlayStation is loud when you play? That has nothing to do with the fact that you are online, but with the game.

The game simply demands a lot of power, especially if you have an older PlayStation. I have the pro and even that sometimes gets loud, that's perfectly normal. The noise level will be louder or softer depending on the game, God of War makes some consoles sound like an engine, others like a hair dryer.

As long as your console does not behave like a microwave everything is fine. The only thing you can do if necessary, give it enough space, so much space that the fan can work well, no closed position.

Or you remove (depending on which console you have, goes in the Pro very well) the lid, so that the fan better air can pull.

But everything helps only conditionally, after all, is not Xbox One X, which is much quieter.


I have a Ps4 Pro


You can simply cut the Internet connection in the Internet settings of your PS4


Then as I said, take off the cover (a video on YouTube) and have fun.

Otherwise you can't do anything about it.

