Because of stolen PS4 (who knows) go to the police?

- in PlayStation

Some time ago my PS4 was stolen during the move. The history can be found in my andeen questions again.

I hired a lawyer because the person does not want to play my device with me.
But the lawyer does not answer my e-mails anymore and he does not answer my phone calls.

Should I go to the police or is it not allowed if the lawyer "cares" for the same thing?

Device number of the console I have yes.


Should I go to the police or is it not allowed if the lawyer "cares" for the same thing?

He does not:
The lawyer alone takes care of the civil law side, the police alone on the criminal side.

And who should forbid you to go to the police for that?


Well, because I've already taken the lawyer to worry about getting my stuff back via a lawsuit.


The lawyer does not take care of the prosecution, the police, however, already.

Please look at the difference between civil law and criminal law.


If I turn to the police, will I get my things back?


Going to the police anyway can tell them that you have a lawyer but still want to be represented at the police and tell your concerns. Think that may be more of an advantage than just writing by the lawyer.



Does the police have your PS4?

No, of course not, how should she give you back then?

Again for the record:
The police ensures the prosecution (criminal law), the lawyer ensures the return of the PS4 (civil law).

May I ask how old you are because you do not understand that?


I'm 17. And if you explain that so cumbersome, then you do not understand that either. I mean, how should I know which law is doing what?


Have I already written to you above:

Google please tell us the difference between

Civil law and
Criminal law.

And that should also get a 17-year-old.

And so slowly I suspect why your lawyer blocks all contact attempts…


But you do not have to be insulting. I have enough on my mind to google something like that. And that you call the reason for it, I see anyway as wrong, as I said, I have a lot around the ears. Heini not only stole my console.