Call police because ex stolen PlayStation game?

- in PlayStation

Hi! This question sounds a bit silly but unfortunately this is serious.

I had something to do with a guy and as it went well I lent him my PlayStation game. When he was through it I wanted him to bring it back but he said he would like to play it again. (the game is interactive so it makes sense to play more often)

In any case, I lost interest then I wanted to wait until I have the game again but that took me too long so I just ended it in the hope that he still gives me my game back.

But now he ignores my requirements to give me back the game.

The police to alarm because of that is very exaggerated but I love this game and cheap it was not exactly why I want it again.

Would it even alarm the police? And if not, how else could I get my game?



They have really different problems. They would not take you seriously. If he does not give you the game again then unfortunately you have had bad luck. In the maximum case the police might write an ad and even I doubt it.

Check it off as a lesson or try again.


Theoretically, you could make an ad to the police. But it would not be theft because you lent the game yourself. So there's only embezzlement, and with the "low" value, it is questionable what they do then. Presumably, this will be discontinued anyway because of insignificance.


No, please do not, it would really, as you say, exaggerated, it would be covered. Try again and tell him how to hang on the game. Can it be that he somehow acts out of spite? Does he feel rejected?