Is there a right to claim his private property?

- in PlayStation

We're / were in our community in a board of a youth organization and got from this a room provided. In this the youth of the place meetings / celebrations etc. Organize. We have a representative of the church who sees every now and then to the right. Our board, consisting of 3 people, was elected about 2 years ago and is currently in full graduation. Because of this, this room was closed for over a month. Now, this representative came in between, looked at the room and then threw the Board by What's app, on the grounds of "lack of hygiene" and the keys and access to lock. Question no.1 is it allowed to do this without further ado and then without a personal conversation? Furthermore, private things in this room are worth around 1000 euro (playstation, TV, shisha, etc.), but the access has been denied for several weeks and we do not even get the opportunity to get our private items. Now for the second question, is such a thing lawful, on such a basis?


Is there no way to speak to someone else in the community to pick up things? Are these things a pledge until you've cleaned them, or simply included them for no reason?

And what does "hygiene deficient" mean? Just not cleaned for a month, or leave things (open drinks or food) that are moldy, stains on the carpet etc?


Unfortunately not directly and dates are also hard to come by. The floor of the room was dirty, due to the salt etc, which stuck to the shoes (difficult to avoid in winter). Anonsten is still a bit "messy" but that's it. No food, etc. No it is not a pledge, it was simply not expressed, even on request.


Tip: Municipalities often have legal advice of a modest size for little money. Maybe one of the members comes from a neighboring town and can ask for opportunities there.