PayPal money back?

- in PlayStation

I pre-ordered a PS5 from Mediamarkt via PayPal - installment payment and 2 days ago the 1 installment payment was due. The installment payment was then automatically debited from my account and on Friday the money was credited back to my account. Could someone please explain why the money was returned to my account?


Have you already checked your emails to see if something is there?

It could also be a mistake but I think a company like Mediamarkt it will probably not be a mistake but a cancellation or something similar.


Something went wrong when booking on Mediamarkt's side, I guess. I would contact Mediamarkt directly and try PayPal at the same time (although they are usually not very helpful).


Mediamarkt has nothing more to do with it. The total amount has already been paid by PayPal. PayPal now debits this monthly in installments.


Do you happen to be at Commerzbank?

she had a problem on Friday.


Mediamarkt has nothing more to do with it. The total amount has already been paid by PayPal. PayPal now debits this monthly in installments.


Ah ok. Then they screwed up something internally. Then write to PayPal directly and hope that someone with a plan will read this. They'll notice that next time at the latest.


No savings bank


Then contact PayPal once. Are you sure that you had enough money one day before the debit?


Would it be a cancellation then i think i would have got an email.


No, I didn't, but it will be settled automatically as soon as I have money in my account again. Something similar has happened to me before but I had money in my account.


Then you have an overdraft facility.

it would be best to first contact your bank. They can tell you most exactly where the problem was.

as soon as you know what it was, contact PayPal.


Can't be that I have an overdraft facility that didn't even happen in a period of 1 week.


And i was often in the minus via paypal but it was paid every time without problems


Is actually true then the Sparkasse would not have booked it back ^^

then I would think of insufficient coverage.

as I said Sparkasse ask Woran's lag ^^


Since you are a minor, you have an account that can't go into negative territory, so PayPal could not withdraw the money. You know that as a minor you are not allowed to use PayPal.


Who is talking about underage here? Am 21


You were allegedly 16 18 days ago


It turned out that you are only 16 years old and have given false information to PayPal and have now ordered an expensive play station 5 in installments.

That's cheating. The police will be in touch with you soon. And with your parents.


If you were to read more posts from me then you would also know that it says 21.

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