Resident evil 7 error message?

- in PlayStation

I just bought Resident Evil 7 on the Ps4.
I started to play normally until then everything was great until I got up to the attic and I had to fight a bit with Mia. When Mia was on the floor, the father came and said "welcome to the family boy" from then on the error message comes: "The installation of the game data has not yet been completed. Please wait for the installation to complete.
you will now return to the main menu. "

however, I have been waiting the whole time for something to happen at all. During that time I read something but couldn't find anything precise.


Check the notifications to see if Resident Evil is still running as a download.


Um yes okay I'm a little embarrassed now, but yes it is still loading 😅 omg, I'm stupid 😑 thank you 🙏