Fix Fortnite bug?

- in PlayStation

At the moment I sometimes have a bug or something in Fortnite, which sometimes takes my nerves (Ps4 with controller). If you go into the inventory to drop something or sort it, the first weapon is selected and you can then go through the inventory from there to select certain items. Sometimes dropping or sorting certain loot must go very quickly to avoid certain situations. I do the whole thing pretty nimbly and it is almost stored in my "muscle memory", which is exactly what I have to press to quickly do certain things in my inventory. Now to the bow, which takes away this speed. Sometimes I go into the inventory and the first weapon is not selected as expected, but wood or some kind of ammunition. I now press the buttons to e.g. Quickly sort my inventory in a fight or e.g. Dropping minis, I get confused and partly die from it. This sometimes happens in creative mode when I play box fights or in public games. After a round the problem is mostly solved. Does anyone have a tip on how I can handle this or something?


Just uninstall Fortnite.


Thank you for the helpful answer. If there were more people like her, Planet Earth would be a much better place! But. Do you really think it will get better then? I mean after that I can't play anymore?! : 0


I've already considered: should I write this? I preferred to leave it 😄👍


But I have a tip for you: unsubscribe from the good question, because I can't use something like this here.


Haha really bad people like that… If someone shouldn't care, just let my god mein


I'm not the one who wrote this answer. I just wanted to show the "answerer" that we agree. I had no intention of insulting you and apologize as I can't help with this.


Wait. Or did you also want to write that I should uninstall it? Then the tip also applies to you my friend.


Okay yes I apologize too! All right you haven't written anything sorry


You don't have to apologize. I wish you a helpful answer and have a nice evening / probably tomorrow!


The question is wrong.

Fix Fortnite bug instead? Should they have written: Eliminate Fortnite?

Just uninstall it. Finished.


And another one. I get sick of such answers… 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️


If you don't like the game I don't care and I don't think anyone else either. You should save yourself your obviously not helpful answer. I ask questions here to find someone who can help me if necessary. If you can't or don't want to and can't contribute anything, that's fine but nobody can use that


I got the whole thing too, we just have to wait for Epic to fix this bug.


Haha cool guy


But I have to say, that you play Fortnite and are probably younger, you expressed yourself really respectfully and grammatically very well.


Now I would not know how far my selection of PlayStation games should affect my grammar or anything else… Well, I'm 20, not even as young as you probably expected


Would have expected you to be about 12.