My friend treats me sometimes well, but often treats me badly?

- in PlayStation

I'm new here and this is a profile of a good friend do it for the first time I hope someone can give me some advice because I don't know what to do next

please excuse my spelling and grammar

I w27, he m20.

My friend and I have been together for almost 3 years now and have a child together

We had our ups and downs but I always knew that he loves me. In a good phase he can be a wonderful friend but unfortunately only in the good ones

I needed someone to talk to and that was his brother m27 who offered me his help and listened to me that I can entrust everything to. I didn't know him correctly before and maybe saw 2 times before when he was on vacation and was with his parents and now he's moved back here

And I talk to him so much about my boyfriend and now comes where I don't know what to do whenever I ask my boyfriend if we can go for a walk and so he never likes what he plays on his cell phone or on its ps4

And then his brother m27 offered me to go for a walk to talk, took the child from me and my boyfriend with him and he takes care of them so lovingly what always makes me happy he takes all the tasks off he gives her something to eat and what else you have to do so I could write so much he supports me wherever he can

And he is like my soul mate understand us two so perfectly he immediately notices if something is with me he is always so good for us when we do something with him everything is so relaxing and beautiful he is also a man who knows the value of a woman appreciate so to speak he is this dream man every woman only desires but he is his brother sometimes I wish it would not be like that


What exactly is it about 😄?

Exchanging the friend between / between brothers is already violent. Everyone has to be 100% sure that this is the right thing and that they want it. Even then, there's definitely still stress… So relaxed is different.


Phew, that's maybe tough tobacco now: But I think this whole situation could frustrate him. I mean, he is only 20 years old. In my experience, you are still half a child. You want to let off steam and try it out. You don't really want to be the father of a child. Actually… Of course, exceptions confirm the rule. But that he withdraws so much from you and literally (almost) only does his own thing, and that he treats you badly for the most part does not suggest that he is happy with the situation.

And yes, the thing with the brother. Sorry, that reads pretty much like an episode from the middle of life or what that trash is called. Just switching from one brother to the other… You don't really think that this works well? Doing so may destroy the whole family of the two boys - and thus half the family of your child.

So, leave it and try to save the relationship with your child's father if there's anything to save.


OK, that's how I understood it.


I imagine it is stressful if you always get something from the ex. If you want or not. So maybe there's never a final cut?


And that with his brother is just that I get on so well and he is just a wonderful person because he is of his nature and how he deals with me is simply my dream man and what should you do about feelings when you look at yourself so someone has wanted all of life?

I've already tried everything that is possible to talk to my friend, he changes again for 2 to 3 days and then it starts all over again that he sucks to me


Nobody will be able to take the decision from you here and that you talk about it so infinitely doesn't change the fact that it would be a very difficult situation for the whole family. And what should you do? Sometimes you have to think about whether it's really worth it…

If he is also interested in you… You certainly don't know that either. Maybe he just wants to be nice. After all, you are his sister-in-law in Spe and your child is his niece / nephew.


I don't want to talk about it so well, it's not an easy situation for me but this man would be worth it (Better to risk something than to regret not having dared to do it forever.)
I think he likes me and he likes to spend time with me and my child and there are also some women who like him but he points out that he has no interest


I don't think in this case, for example. In that case, you would be extremely selfish. As I said, think of your child. After all, it's about his uncle and father, with whom you want to juggle.

And as I said, I think you are very likely getting into something. After all, you are his brother's partner and the child belongs to his family. You are nice when you are not an A * hole. But then I'm out. To be honest, this has a bit too much of an Assi-TV character here.


My friend treats me sometimes well, but often treats me badly?
Then you should sit down and talk to each other extensively, only in this way can you make compromises and clarify misunderstandings. Everyone has their preferences and also things they don't like doing, but you can also talk about them. There should always be a give and a take in a relationship so that nobody feels disadvantaged or neglected.


You are in a bad situation, especially since he is your friend's brother! Spontaneously I would say let your boyfriend whiz and go with the brother! It is all to you what the other one is not! But that includes courage!