Strip the monitor every 10 minutes?

- in PlayStation

Every 10 minutes I have horizontal stripes that wander across the screen (21: 9 1440x3440 100hz from Lc Power) and then disappear again until they reappear for a few seconds. I've already used several hdmi cables and cleaned the hdmi sockets with compressed air (even though the monitor is only 3 weeks old). There are no problems with DisplayPort, only with the hdmi connection and only with the ps4. When I connect the pc via hdmi no stripes appeared either. If the monitor is defective or if it simply can't handle the processing of the image, it simply does not manage it correctly 1080p 60hz to 1440p with 100hz


I think it's simple goose, and just the HDMI cable is frit. Buy a new cable then it should work again


As I said, I've already tried several and when I connect the laptop or pc via hdmi everything runs smoothly, regardless of whether I set the output to full hd or 1440p


Then maybe the socket on the monitor has a problem


Be glad it happened after just three weeks. Simply claim it in the store as defective and get a refund of the purchase price. Then I wouldn't buy the same model again.

It is quite possible that they test the function in the store and then the error does not occur. But then they can safely tell you what you are doing wrong.

If you have that from the mail order business, you can use the gem. Distance Selling Act can also be returned without a reason.


Will be the only smart way, thank you

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