Good Morning! How did you feel at school?


Now I participate again in the Gugumo round: -D

At the end of the first semester, where the school message is handed out, I ask the following questions:

Were there good or bad grades for you?
How did you experience the school time?
In which subjects did you have the worse grades?
What were your favorite subjects?
Were there teachers who have discriminated against you?
Or have some good-question users of the older generation even been taught the cane?

Was the education system better then today? Or not, and why? What do you think of the current education system?

Have a nice, quiet Saturday CHSLB!

PS: Image source


I (born 1990) was enrolled in 1997, moved to secondary school in 2001 and graduated in 2007 with a middle school education. Thereafter, the vocational school joined in the course of training.

In general, I experienced my school time in two parts: There were very good times in elementary school with great teachers, a great class community and many wonderful experiences that still remind me today -----> also our meeting 20 years after enrollment was very nice There were even two out of three former class teachers.

The Realschule was a chapter in itself. I'm reluctant to go there, actually was the visit of the secondary school, on which my friends went. However, I was a good student and got in 2001 the high school recommendation pronounced. We were talked about so often by teachers who visited us at home or in the Norma parking lot with my grandfather, until I was registered at the junior high school - half-hearted and in doubt if that was right. It was a mistake or much more a life experience, as it can run: It started six more or less insane years. There were no problems with teachers or with rectors or classmates, but with parents of classmates who liked to make fun of us. But many worlds clashed with each other: Most of my class lived in a kind of "noble settlement on the mountain" in new homes, the parents knew each other, there was a kind arms race who booked the most glamorous holiday or drove the fattest station wagon / van who equipped the children most fashionably or who organized the biggest children's birthday party. I grew up in the record, we had our Mercedes W124 even until 2012, we went neither closed in the service nor every Sunday out to the country to eat, holidays took place mostly in the Alps and consisted of a Grandpa booked bus trip on some Days, but I did not miss anything… Only the parents of the others somehow seemed ridiculous and that as a Yugoslavian boy I went to secondary school and wrote there partly better grades than the "self-confident" offspring of these families, was for such a kind personal offense. Because that was still a time when you as a "foreigner child" was socially determined for the secondary school ----> if it was enough at all. Only when a teacher in the 8th grade spoke a word of power at a parents' evening and some mothers left the room crying, was silence… They still did not like us, but they left us in peace.

My grades were equally good, only chemistry was not fun and I quit religion, after the subject has degenerated into a kind of trash, where their own opinion was rated - I have distanced myself, that had nothing for me with one to do fair lessons, where you would have learned something.

Favorite subjects… I liked to do history and civics as well as physics and geography, but it also depended heavily on the teacher: was it okay, it was usually the lessons. Chemistry was taught by a woman who made jokes about my ancestry until I told her in grade 9 that not every Eastern European was primitive and everyone was supposed to turn up at their own doorstep.

I was not disadvantaged - at least it does not think so. There was in the 9th grade a very nice young intern or trainee teacher, which was super nice and with whom I was able to lead discussions outside the class - sometimes very personally, it was just nice and the human has fit.

Already in the kindergarten I was a quiet and quiet boy, in school I was also the type "who just was there". I was a quiet student who spoke very little and most teachers probably already forgot. In the final paper was about me after six years junior high school I would be reliable and I would certainly be a nice guy but you never actually met me really but I put no value on it. Was good to all or not enemies, but the trenches were too deep and these people are not my wavelength. I always bury my free time with my old buddies from the settlement, who are still my buddies today.

By and large, my school time was okay - I have no grudge, but me


There's still a nice matching cover version of the two: "School's Out":-)


Right! I wanted to bring that, but then I somehow found this unknown song "more interesting", also because I'm emotionally attached to it. The whole album offers top class pop music!


Ehm, sorry for the one insult - that should not happen to me. No matter if I like the woman or not. When writing I have probably again in my teen angry annoyed me.


Until I told her in the 9th grade that not every Eastern European is primitive and everyone should turn at his own doorstep.

GOOD SO, I applaud your young self right now!


Thank you! At the time, I simply broke my collar during the lesson. I do not even remember what it was then, but it annoyed me so much that I stood up and went downstairs and let her down. On the other hand, since then she has done nothing more in this regard and probably has not worked here for years at the school.


To quench your curiosity - after training, I was initially a lower-level teacher. From 1966 I was a specialist teacher of German up to grade 10, a teacher of geography in some classes and also of grades 7 - 10 in ethics after the turn.


Ah, thanks!


Hello CHSLB and everyone in the round!

At schools I have experienced a lot - nice and less nice. The fact that my family moved to a different place when I was 10, then I have to start again for the upper school, which I remember exhausting and ugly (I had been homesick for about 2 years and would be the previous place rather stayed in our house with the grandma).

Teachers who used to be nice to me, in subjects where I was good, were not equally distributed in the new location - so a little difficult. My strengths have always been German, foreign languages, geography, art; I found it particularly exciting when subjects were interlinked with one another across disciplines (a teacher in middle school was able to award that distinction).

In history, we still had a teacher who loudly commanded the class in barracks court style and style; it was also the one who blotted out the recent German history in time for the twentieth century - surely so as not to be confronted with personal, unpleasant questions that would reveal his convictions. Such teachers were still some (where would the new with a new attitude because so soon after the end of the war come from? Since it always needs at least 1 decade advance).

I was less proficient in math, physics, chemistry - but not because I was untalented or disinterested, but because didactic mediation was not suitable for my type of learning. When changing teachers I noticed later that I got a much better access to the material. Spatially intelligible explanations were better for me than abstractly formulated ones.

As a particularly exciting I have experienced large school trips: in the Eifel (Maria Laach), the resin (Clausthal-Zellerfeld, mining) and Berlin, the divided city.

At the time of the beginning of German-French relations, the student exchange with France began. There were for a few months at some point really nice age-old students in the class and contributed a lot to the relaxation. Everything was blown away by her sweet accent in German and it formed z.T. Intense penpals, which then resulted in a visit to the family of my pen pal, with practical learning and contact with the country and people.

Where you ask for punishment: I remember a class teacher who - in the first 4 classes - like to pinch my cheek and then turn around the two fingers, which hurt like hell. - The reason must have been that I talked to my neighbor during the lesson, for which he punished me (but he did that only with me - and I knew from my mother that he had worshiped her a long time ago, but could not land with her).

The class teacher was still an authority then, and I did not dare moan. When I came home with a blood red cheek, my mother always knew what had happened at the sight - but she never intervened, but advised me to fend off his hand if he wanted to do it again. I did not dare to do that.
Scale for me were my father's stories of the caning that he used to get on his fingers by one of his teachers, who was notorious as sadistic (and he played the piano!); In comparison, in-the-cheek pinching was of course nothing.
In contrast to today, there was a kind of basic trust that was still put into teachers, according to the motto: 'If he punished you, you will have done something.' That punishment went without or only for a ridiculous occasion, my parents have not considered. According to today's opinion that would have been considered excessive and personal injury, but that did not interest at that time: 1968 was still a decade away and the term 'children's rights' I've only heard in recent years!

To some classmates from different schools I still have - loose - contact. There was a class reunion, but it had no consequences. Each of us is traveling in his own universe! A few of whom I know do not live anymore.

Unbelievable, which time travel in the head has triggered this topic in me! Thank you!

I wish all the best to all of you who like it, and greet you warmly.


When I tell of my school days, never miss the episode, where I - if it fit from the timetable - ran to the church tower and there took over the long 12 o'clock ringing: this one had to hang down from the ceiling thick rope in the Grab the bell tower and drag it and do not let it go again; The sexton let me ring the bell.
When I grabbed the rope when it was down, the bell pulled me up to the ceiling - a feeling of bungee up, indescribable! And it was a bit dangerous and actually forbidden - but I've always been brave!


Nothing is there with "sorry," but thanks for that description! LG


Wow… I would never have dared… Thank you for this great description… Happy weekend


I was also more and more in the background… Shy… I hardly spoke… But today I'm pretty open-minded and… Bold…


Thank you Angel, you also a wonderful weekend (or until tomorrow?) LG


See you tomorrow… Here GUMO questions… A must…


But you can still remember so much, I think that's great.

Well, you realize that you are still several years younger.

But also with me the school time left deep memories and of course I can say thank God that I really like to think back to it. It was already a very BEAUTIFUL and REMAINING time that will not come back again. I still think so often of experienced episodes, also to many joyous, or even drastic reminiscence, where is just this time remained?

I wish you dear Anne always this joy in your heart, and your beautiful way - to be able to describe things experienced.

Goodbye, * You brave 12 o'clock bell * still much joy today, that wishes you Plawo


"Oh my goodness"! Like from my mouth.

Fred wishes you a very nice rest day and greets you warmly from the city of Vienna.


Greetings back!


Fred wishes you a very nice rest day and greets you warmly from the city of Vienna.


Hello dear - oh thank you, you always write so nice! The memory came when I was writing (I had not even thought about the baking joke - suddenly the memory was back!) And then I sit here and outrage myself posthumously, because this teacher died about 6 years ago). Thank you very much for your compliments, but I'll give it back smoothly, because I like to read your answers and comments (if I have time, less at the moment).

All the best and have a nice rest of the day (here it is miserably cold today!) Greetings from Spielwiesen


When ringing it was always great to be pulled up by the rope to the 10th stage! Does not go with the current technology anymore, unfortunately.

Fred wishes you a very nice rest day and greets you warmly from the city of Vienna.


Yes, it was wonderful, it costs nothing, as well as learning the sense of punctuality.

Since I had practiced it, but otherwise school-related rather not.


Haha - no, school-related was the bell ringing with me not!


This is a very interesting report, as newly recruited Eastern Europeans (Poland) it felt similar to me… At a high school… Whereby this really depends on the school itself.

I changed in the 7th class first to the gym, where there were absolutely no problems with my origin. Due to the work-related relocation of my parents, I had to attend another high school in the 10th grade, which is still considered "snobbish" to this day. This was then also in dealing with classmates who "not belonged" maintained and unfortunately even practiced by some teachers. The grading was also, I say… "unobtrusive". However, I had a teacher in the German LK, who did not participate in the awarding of grades after vitamin B and constantly proclaimed this in the course. Already at that time one of his classmates had questioned one of his grades at the BR. Embarrassing result: The grade was considered justified.

Nevertheless, I found friends there and we're friends until today…


Yes you are right. I also like the album a lot - 80ies Pop at its best. Very nice also the "Motivation" album from Moti Special, my favorite track on it is "She's a heartbreaker". LG! ^^


Thanks for your report, I can agree a lot!

I never had problems with teachers except with this chemistry teacher and I also found people in secondary school with whom I can definitely say that we're friends - but just from the level below or above me and from the parallel class, with the I also had French and every year a minor such as Bio, Civics or Geography.

Also for me it was not dependent on your school, but the environment or Meinr class. My class was one that even the parallel class perceived as weird, arrogant, detached, and unobtrusive. Years later, I was once professionally involved with someone who was addressing me to junior high school, and when certain names of former classmates fell away from me, he just shook his head, "What, you've been with DEM and DEM for six years THE endured? "He asked a bit stunned. That spoke volumes.

I was evil with no one, I was always totally neutral between all stood and I would not say that I would have been bullied - that was not true after all. But the climate in the class was wintry & the parents intrigued where they could. I only have one story to tell: We were hostaged for years, until my class teacher of the 7./8. Parent's class exploded when he realized that my grandfather was back on it. Since it went dadrum that I did not want to go with a multi-day ski vacation in the Allgäu & therefore it would be 15 euro per child more expensive. That was at the end of 2004.

According to some - quite wealthy - parents of the others were of course "again these strange foreigners who have nothing to look for here anyway" blame and a mother rushed openly against my grandfather. To the teacher, the collar burst, which I will never forget, and he discussed some mothers so much on the wall that tears flowed. The mother of my "kindergarten friend" - who went to another school - sometimes defended the grandfather when he was mobbed by the mother of a classmate.


Yes, that was really the environment. Great that you had such teachers. VG!


Yes, my teachers were okay. Especially my class teacher of the 7th and 8th class, I have in my best memory - a dear and polite man, a listener and counselor, such a real "explanatory"; He was in his mid-40s when we got him in the fall of 2003. He was single, lived for the school and the kids, always had time for us, was always available to us at home or in private grief, but never a casual buddy but always not only by his outfits with suit & tie 24/7 clearly recognizable as a teacher ------> but he sometimes spoke a word of power and set limits, which one then accepted even though he then was not angry or loud,

In the meantime, I'm even friends with some of my teachers, which I find very enriching. We visit each other as one another, have done something now and then. Some of them are almost 50 years older than me, but we're still friends. And whenever we somehow come to my former class, one is here, too, say, divided opinion about the class.

Very bad was in our class community - even for one of these teachers - the daughter of the Protestant pastor… Whereby, that's also an anecdote in itself: she was a girl who was always eager to bask in the image of the "dear pastor's daughter", but In the background, the people at the lowest level bullied where it went. The only benefits came from the teachers, who did not come to grips with it.

When, in the eighth grade, after the situation worsened and something new happened every day, nobody wanted to be near him anymore, and she was excluded from any group work, one day in 2005, crying in afternoon school, she claimed is bullied by all of us (that was just the time when the term "bullying" sprouted up). Here was the tenor of the class, which was once rarely unanimous ------> who spun intrigues for years, people listening / subtly spying on "stasis" subtleties, retelling and complicating things that hurt others, making classmates ridiculous or otherwise like the other one drives on the cart, that just does not belong (anymore). Our teacher also did not approve of the girl's marginalization of the class itself, but at the time he also thought that she should ask herself how she had dealt with the class all these years and whether there could not be a connection.


Also in 1989 Moti Special was still good - unfortunately without Manfred "Thissy" Thiers, but "In Love We Stand" is also good. Such a long-time favorite in my car radio, even when it went with the Audi 100 to vocational school.

From the '84 album I have no favorite song, they are just great!


Yes, I also like the '89 album from Moti Special. And the 88th album by Inker & Hamilton! "Dancing into dancer" is a great number, also the cover of Cat Stevens' "Wild World"… LG!


Yes, absolutely - I also have the LP of Inker & Hamilton (favorite song: "Think About Me"), just great. Not to forget: "Into A Secret Land" by Sandra (1988) and especially "The Sound Of My Heart" by Hubert Kah (1989), which is my favorite album ever.


Michael Cretu and Brian Eno are my favorite producers ever. The two are awesome! Too bad what Hubert Kemmler has become, he is not recognizable (also in terms of personality) in comparison to the 80s…


Yes, that's true - but I keep Hubert Kah in memory as he was around 1989. The album is extremely important to me, also for a personal reason.

I also like the pop album "Flieger" by Nino de Angelo (1989) and the self-titled album by Veronika Fischer (1989) - and of course Achim Reichel with the LP "Fledermaus". Cool lyrics, good rhythms - and he is human a very freaky guy, the Achim!


I also like Achim Reichel. And Heinz Rudolf Kunze. There are such great German musicians!


Kunze… I'm an absolute fan! Not to mention the whole NDW stars. I also named myself here after an NDW band: "Rotesand" had a hit called "Wellenreiter" in 1983.

If you are already in the 80s, even in terms of Schlager had something to offer. For example, I find Flippers generally very likeable, but their music really only appealed to me between about 1988 and 1992, such as "lotus flower". From that time I also have all their albums, as CD and LP.


You're a big record collector! Now I know where your Nick comes from, I did not know that band, even though I'm a big NDW fan too. "Berlin" by Ideal is my favorite NDW hit. But also trio with "Sabine, Sabine, Sabine" are great:-)


I actually collect records and also maxi CDs. A hobby needs the man ^^ where there are almost three: The Mercedes and the Opel Omega's still there.

NDW-moderate is still something of Hugo Egon Balder: "Schwarzfahr'n", just great!

