Stream Twitch Countdown Event?

- in Twitch

There's a page, with which you can start a stream with his channel, where then z. B. Just a countdown?

z. B. X days, X hours, X minutes, X seconds to the beginning of event XYZ.

So, as if you would use your own PC as a stream and let the stream run there for 7 days, just as a service to run the PC to work around?

And matching: Can you host a stream as long as Twitch, even if there's only a countdown with reference to an event?


I think I would solve something with a cheap V-server. Whether this really makes sense and there are not other better alternatives, I do not know.

But I would do it, if it really has to be such a long period of time as you say.


I had already thought of that, but thought, maybe there are special pages that offer something.


Well for a 10 should that work out yes.