Stream TV shows on Twitch?

- in Twitch

Recently it has been possible to stream series and films from Amazon Prime on Twitch, of course only with viewers who also have Amazon Prime.

But now I'm interested in whether Twitch would be "allowed" to stream series from illegal sites.

Actually, neither the streamer nor the viewer have the right to watch this content, but consumption is not illegal, only the hosting / provision of the content. In other words, there's no legal violation.

The question is, would Twitch allow that?


I think they aren't illegal for nothing, twitch won't legalize it for you


It is not legalized by it, at most it is more popular. And streaming content from such websites is (as far as I know) a gray matter in DE, completely legal in Switzerland and I meant partly illegal in Austria.

But you're probably right, Twitch might be wondering.


You host the stream on your channel… Ergo it doesn't matter where it is originally! You are the publisher and therefore liable.