Do I have to pay tax on Twitch donations?

- in Twitch

Hello do I have to tax my twitch donations? I wanted to start streaming on twitch and I'm afraid to get donations because of taxes on them and so on, I just don't know about them


Yes, it is income and therefore it is taxable.


As Tryanswer said, income must be taxed.

Simply specify when filing your tax return. However, you may have to register a business at some point. But don't worry, that's a not bad / expensive and b only when there's really a lot going on.

Initially, this goes through as a hobby / hobby.


I'm 15 and don't know how to register a business


Honestly, what kind of earnings do you expect?

Anyone who delivers with 15 newspapers does not register a business (ok, is employed). But it is good that you inform yourself beforehand, that is half the battle.

My suggestion would be to start without donations. Or are earnings one of your goals? In my time at Twitch, I simply didn't accept donations.


Do I have to pay tax on donations of less than 5 euro?


It is not about the individual amounts, but the total.

"Hobby" is your keyword.

You also have expenses. The hardware, for example. Programs and even games you show online (or whatever). Save all costs.

If the income does not exceed the expenses, you should be reasonably certain that you do not have to pay tax.

In case of doubt, you can only ask a financial advisor. But surely you have to be able to show somewhat larger earnings. I say if you earn 50 euro a month, that shouldn't be possible.

But be careful, it has to be a hobby. It's not about money.


No, it depends on how much money he makes with it. But he must have a trade.


Twitch income from taxes only have to be taxed once you regularly earn over 1,000 euro per month.

As long as this is not the case, donations do not have to be stated.