AMD: Ryzen 5 3600 or Ryzen 7 2700X?

- in Twitch

I'm still thinking about whether I should take the Ryzen 5 3600 or Ryzen 7 2700X. I mainly play Minecraft and a couple of shooters. And simulators! BUT: I also stream on twitch and sometimes also edit videos for Youtube. Which one do you think is better suited for this combination?

Ps: it's not about the price, I don't care😂


It depends on what you want to do, the 3600 only makes gaming a little better, but if you also want to do video editing, the 2700x is better


Great, he has my picture that I have on PayPal.

If you upgrade your computer often, it is not worth it. At the moment the Ryzen 5 is completely sufficient. Even my I7 6700 is still great for all purposes.


A 4 core user, thought they are all in the museum.


Is better than the 7 2700 in almost all respects, only with full multi-core utilization, the 2700 is 10% faster for gaming but up to 11% less performance and in single-core performance also 10% below.

the 3600 is even 10 euro cheaper with more power.


Especially in shooters, the FPS is important and the Ryzen 5 3600 simply has the edge thanks to its higher single-core performance.

Video editing etc. Is also very possible on an R5 3600, you don't necessarily need an 8-core.

"Ps: it's not about the price, I don't care😂"

If the price doesn't matter, you can take a Ryzen 7 3700X.


Lol I said that I also stream and edit videos… But thanks👍


With 2 more cores, the 3600 is manufactured in 7 nanometers.

I currently have the 2700x if I would get a new one it would be the 3700x.


It's been a long time.

But now seriously: That must be a mistake. A 4 kerner is still up to date as long as it is still a brisk 4 kerner or it has 8 threads.

It's the same as a turbo engine. As long as it is forced ventilation, it can keep up well despite its small displacement. However, a 2 core with 4 threads can no longer keep up with gaming.


Sure, but not all games can handle HT and 6 kernels are almost a must for many games


I do not think so. With Full HD this is not a must. Much more important nowadays is enough graphics memory to calculate textures. The higher the texture setting, the more graphics memory is used. I this is a bottleneck these days.


What does that have to do with the dissolution

You can use something like that, but you get a Ryzen 3600 that is much better from 160 euro or you spend a little more for a 10600k, for example


What does that have to do with the dissolution

I thought you knew about computers. Now it seems like you have no idea about it. But that's not a problem.

So the graphic is calculated in pixels. The pixels are so-called picture elements on the screen. The more pixels that need to be controlled, the more computing power is required. This does not only count for the graphics card, but also for the main memory (and also) for the CPU.

My friend

And said for the CPU, as I said, the performance for the Ryzen 5 is completely sufficient. The high-end CPUs are overpriced anyway and make more sense in video editing or 4K-8K gaming.


For the CPU, the resolution does not matter, since it only takes care of the physics etc. And it does not change with the resolution

The CPU is only interested in how many processes it can process at the same time (i.e. How many cores the CPU has) and how fast it has to process them (more fps also means that the CPU has to work more)


This theory is completely outdated. It used to be that the physics could be calculated by the CPU, as the graphics cards were too weak back then. Nowadays that usually takes over. The graphics card. Because it has more advantages with a faster graphics card than with a slower CPU.

When playing games, the CPU is more likely to calculate the surrounding obscurations etc.


Nevertheless it doesn't matter which resolution I use, the fps always stay the same


If you think…