Can Twitch endanger my student loan if I don't earn any money from it?

- in Twitch

I'm currently a student and therefore receive student loans. I also just started streaming with Twitch, but I haven't activated any donations and don't want a partnership, affiliate or anything else. I just want to do it for fun and do it as a hobby. Now I wanted to ask if I don't have to worry if I only run Twitch as a hobby and don't earn a cent from it.


I don't know what Twitch is (and it doesn't interest me enough to google it now), but if you don't earn a cent, then I don't know why the student loan could "endanger".


No, as long as you do not enter into a contract with Twitch (affiliate or partner) and do not accept donations (PayPal, Streamlabs), your student loan is not at risk.


What exactly is meant by Streamlabs? Isn't that the page where you can configure your alerts and such?


I linked my Twitch Acc with Streamlabs so that I can edit my follower sound. That shouldn't be a problem, should it?


Do not worry, as long as there's no money, everything is fine. You can also receive donations via Streamlabs, but that only gets tricky when they land on your PayPal / bank account.


Ah okay, so as long as I don't link Streamlabs to my PayPal and my bank account is everything fine?


You could say so.