Is my parents' behavior normal?

- in PlayStation

I'm a 15 year old student. I've always been a good student. Not the best, but still better than the average. In the last lockdown, however, I let myself go a bit in terms of school and accordingly my grades got a bit worse. It also has to do with the fact that I was always a student who learned little, but was very active in class and paid attention. I wasn't the most diligent with homework either. And since now in lockdown it is almost exclusively the homework that counts for the grade, the report turned out to be worse than my previous ones, I'm nowhere negative, but I have some 4s.

When I got my report card my parents noticed that and then completely freaked out and yelled at me. I have a ban on PS4 and mobile phones, and I'm allowed to meet friends less often. You just don't trust me at all anymore.

When I got home today, all of my school supplies were completely strewn around my room and I knew my parents had ransacked all of my school supplies and my entire room. Personally, I can't understand that at all; just because of a single testimony that is a little worse?

What's your opinion?


What are HÜs?


Homework so homework


To a certain extent I can understand your parents, they only want the best for you and that something will come of you. On the other hand, looking through the room, for example, is a bit exaggerated in my opinion.


It is clear that parents are disappointed and angry, but this reaction amazes me…

My parents are very strict and that was (unfortunately) the case with me too, but they definitely didn't react that way.

I don't classify this as normal 😬


If nothing else has happened, I find the reaction grossly exaggerated. The current situation is difficult for everyone and therefore as an adult you should react more calmly. My kids' school grades are not that great this year either, but I don't criticize, I try to motivate and praise even the smallest progress. Ask your parents to react appropriately to the current situation and if that doesn't work out, ask an adult you trust for support.


So I don't think it's particularly appropriate that your parents take away all of your belongings just because of a bad testimonial and that you are not allowed to meet your friends as often (or not as often). Your parents shouldn't forget that lockdown has made school harder for many students.


So first of all just this:

here one only hears your opinion and it would be interesting what your parents would answer to your question.

You are 15 and you only study for YOU and good grades that will benefit you later with your applications and could be your ticket for an apprenticeship.

I wasn't the most diligent with homework either. As a student, you should actually make a little effort, later you will have to do the same in your training and at work.

Why your parents are looking through everything in your home will surely have a reason, nobody here knows what they were looking for.

Both of you have to develop trust, your parents and YOU too, and if they don't seem to trust you, does it really come for no reason?

Try the conversation with your parents, first listen to them in peace, don't go straight to the ceiling and then try to do your best when it comes to your grades.

Certainly it is your grades that you do not learn for your parents, but for yourself, but your parents also want you to get good references, because applying with four is certainly not going to go down well.

You still have time to improve, then do that and maybe after the conversation you will find a compromise that you can all live with.

At 15 you can still have a slack, but it is entirely up to you how long it lasts and you only harm yourself if your grades are bad.

So four-point notes that are certainly not only due to Corona.

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