Games jerk despite high FPS in the video?

- in Twitch

I currently have the following problem:

If I have a video / stream, e.g. Youtube or Twitch NOT have the full screen and have a game open on the second monitor, then the game feels slightly jerky, although the FPS are just as high as ever (example Rainbow 6: 150FPS). As soon as I put the video on fullscreen the jerks disappear.

My setup:

144Hz monitor (here the game is running)

60Hz monitor (here the video is running)




Drivers are all up to date.

I think the hardware performance should be enough and it is some kind of Windows or NVidia driver

Does anyone have any idea what that could be? I would have said that the 144Hz monitor adapts to the video, so it is capped at 60FPS, but then I would not understand why the problem is no longer in the full screen


Okay what can be is that your graphics card can't run both monitors equally well. Try to rerecord the graphics just a little bit at r6 and then try it again.


Yes, with a GTX 1080 this is very likely that she can't do it…

Please answer only if you know what you are talking about…


But the problem also occurs in other, not so demanding games, so I think rather that will not be the cause


In general, the FPS decide not whether a game jerky or not, but the frametimes. I can have 150 FPS, but if the time between 2 frames takes only once unusually long, then you feel this as "jerking". You should definitely take a look at the frametimes.

I have the experience that in full-screen mode, everything runs better, whether Windows differentiates there differently? No idea. I would definitely first compare the frametimes, or the FPS 1% Low. It should show if the performance really suffers or if it has other reasons.


Can I totally understand but give that r6 on maximum graphics, etc. Already my 1018 very stressed, so it sounded in my opinion, first obvious. Basically help with windoof always reinstall or reboot. XD Sorry for the unprofessional answer but that mostly helps me. And my teachers too.