Xbox game pass subscription paused and can't be canceled?

- in Xbox

I recently bought the Xbox game pass for a month for 4 euro. Unfortunately I forgot to cancel it and the next payment is due now. Back then I paid with Xbox credit, but this has now been used up or I don't have enough credit.

Of course, I can only cancel the subscription when I pay, but unfortunately I don't see an option how I could do this again using credit.

Does anyone know if it would be possible to pay the amount with credit? Unfortunately I do not have the option to pay by credit card, PayPal…

What would happen if I just ignored the overdue amount? I'm registered with the game pass with a second email that I don't use often and the game pass has already been paused because I have to pay. Theoretically I could send myself a new e-mail in order to buy the Game Pass again, or will there be problems on the part of Microsoft?


If you are not yet 18, your parents can stop the subscription-

As a minor, you MUST NOT enter into any long-term debt.


"or will there be problems on the part of Microsoft?"

Why risk Write to support and describe your problem to them.


Thanks, I asked the support and they canceled it.