Xbox One expansion on disk usable again?

- in Xbox

I would like to sell an Xbox One game on disc. The disc is a game with extensions. Instead of having to enter a code (none included), the extensions were installed immediately after inserting the disc. If someone else now inserts this disc into their Xbox, will the extensions also be installed there or will this only happen once?


He / she can easily install the extensions from disk to his / her console.


Then these are bad extensions… I can't keep up… What's the name of the game? Games such as GTA V (360 version) or Halo 4 had a second disc with them, which were only intended for installation. These are just discs that install some kind of update. The once redeemable content, so-called KEYs, must be entered in the form of a 25-digit code. Be it skins, DLCs, a whole game, etc… Contents that are installed on a disk can be used again and again. But I would still know what game you mean to better understand the situation.


The game is Injustice 2 Legendary Edition


I did some research, it seems that the "DLC content" was actually slapped onto the disc, so that it can be reused on other systems with other accounts. Here is a link, you're not the first to ask:

There are probably other games mentioned that could have something like that. Fallout 4 GOTY on disc.

All games that I own as a special edition have been purchased digitally, with the exception of Just Cause 3 Day One Edition. There was a code leaflet, but they were all redeemed, except for the code for Just Cause 2.

I have to continue researching, I guess it may be that DLCs can be passed on discs, if they are on the disc at all. But you said you only got all your premium stuff via disk and didn't redeem a key…