Find Destiny 2 bow with the DLC Fortress of Shadows?

- in Xbox

I have been playing aml Destiny 2 again for a while. I have a quest where I have to do a bow pretension shots, but I have no bow so I wanted to ask where I can best find a bow. In which map and which mobs do I have to kill to get a bow? I bought the DLC: Fortress of Shadows and play Destiny 2 on Xbox One S.


Bows are random drop - you just have to play and get one at some point

You can also get at least three sheets of quests (Leviathan's Breath as a power weapon, Hush and Le Monarque as an energy weapon, No Turning Back as a kinetic weapon)

Leviathan's Breath is relatively quick
Hush is a long grind in gambit
Le Monarque takes 5 weeks to play because you have to make 10 golden frames of ADA-1 here - and you only get the material for 2 of them per week
No Turning Back needs iirc Forsaken, but you get it relatively early from Petra


EDIT: Leviathan's Breath, Hush and Le Monarque also require bow kills, so the quickest way would be to start Forsaken. Alternatively, hope for a good RNG and just keep playing