Pay for a Microsoft Game Pass subscription?

- in Xbox

I have had Xbox Game Pass for a while. However, I forgot to load money into the account. I can't pay the subscription now because I need an alternative. However, I have online banking and I could do Sepa direct debit. But I don't know if I can do that legally. And when I do it, do I get a message from the bank or a letter that I have made Sepa direct debit or not? I'm still 17 but will be 18 in 15 days. What can I do now? I also plan to cancel the subscription from next month. Is there a way to pay the money without an alternative payment option? Have already searched but found nothing.


No, there's no alternative to payment via, credit card or PayPal. Microsoft wants to ensure that there's no further payment default.

Why do you take out a subscription and don't think about paying?

This question comes up here so often. Either you want a subscription and have a secure and permanent source of payment on file or you don't want one and use the corresponding Gamepass prepaid cards with a limited duration.


Was able to sort it out without a permanent source of funding. But thank you very much