WLAN tariffs for at home? Not Telekom?

- in Xbox

My son (21 trainee) has a contract with Telekom. He pays about 54 euro per month for his Wi-Fi. Pretty steep for a trainee. We were in the shop today to find out more.

The nice gentleman told us that he could quit and make a new contract for about 20 euro. From the 13th month it would cost twice as much.

My niece (23 student) has just moved into her first own apartment and pays 20 euro and from the 25! Month twice.

So I do not understand it and am also slightly angry with Telekom.

As a trainee you don't earn that much yet and then you have to pay that much just for Wi-Fi. He also has to pay the full GEZ fee although he does not use "normal" television.

That's why I wanted to ask if anyone knows what there are cheaper alternatives that are also good. He just plays with the Xbox or Playstation every now and then and needs a good speed for that? I believe.


I can also recommend internet via the cable TV connection. This can also be ordered separately without the TV channels. For example vodafone cable: https://zuhauseplus.vodafone.de/internet-telefon/kabel/ There you get e.g. A 50 Mbit line for € 29.99 a month. The first 24 months cost only € 19.99. A Wi-Fi router is included in the price. 50 Mbit / s is enough for gaming.


First of all, you probably mean access to the Internet, which is provided by DSL from Telekom.

This is certainly cheaper, but you should work through the following points before choosing the provider:

Which provider can deliver to me at all?
What access do I have (DSL, cable or saddle)
What speed do I need?
Which provider can deliver that to me

There are some aids to choose from:

Provider search and the comparison portals

Provider search: https://www.dslweb.de/internet-verfuegbarkeit.php
Tariff search (here for DSL tariffs): https://tarife.chip.de/dsl-vertrag/


54 euro per month is indeed steep for a student. I'm just surprised that he wasn't advised on our https://www.telekom.de/...unge-leute (tariffs for young people under 28). These are definitely different prices.

Please inform yourself about our website and if you have any questions, please just ask.


Your son doesn't have a Wi-Fi tariff. He has an Internet connection from Telekom. And yes, these seemingly cheap lure offers suck, to put it bluntly. But they are probably common, and not just at Telekom. The same is true for electricity and gas. But there are other providers and there are comparison portals. Check24, verivox, price comparison and more. Just enter "dsl price comparison" in a search engine. See what the various portals spit out and above all use several of these portals. You may find alternatives like this.


We were told that this contract can't be changed to a Young tariff. To do this, he would have to terminate the current contract. At that time he had taken over from myself and then it was changed over.

Something different is said every time.

What I don't understand is why you can't just quit in a telecom store. This can only be done online or in writing. Stupid something.


You don't pay for Wi-Fi. Telekom has nothing to do with WLAN, you pay for Internet access.
Telekom's Magenta Young tariffs would be better suited for both the son and the niece, as they are significantly cheaper.
If you didn't get these tariffs, it could actually be a reason to get angry, but that's not because of the Telekom itself, but because of the subcontractor who runs the shop.
Telekom has absolutely nothing to do with the broadcasting fee (the GEZ has long ceased to exist). This is not related to the cost of telephone and internet, nor does Telekom have an impact on it.
Comparatively little bandwidth is sufficient for pure gaming, what is more important is the so-called latency. A rather low bandwidth is also sufficient for video streaming via YouTube and Netflix, theoretically 16 Mbit / s are fine for this, although I would personally prefer to use 50 Mbit / s. More bandwidth is not necessary for him - who wants cheap offers.


Unfortunately I don't know the details. So I don't want to speculate here. I think we can make it very easy if you are interested in my suggestion:
Your son please send me his account and contact details via our https://www.telekom.de/...hilft-team and I will get in touch with him and we will clarify everything. Is this okay?