Computer games and girlfriend?

- in Xbox

I have a girlfriend and she has a 3 year old son with whom I play during the day and I also help with the household. But as soon as I turn on my console in the evening from 7 to 8 p.m. To play what we have even discussed or even your suggestion was, she seems to have something completely against it. She also has mood swings every now and then and every time I just gamble and she has to do everything alone in the household and if I want to buy a new game or get a dlc it means that I only have all my money for spend my Xbox even though I have no more money in the account in the 2nd week of the month because I have spent everything on us shopping. No matter what I do, it's just wrong. Since she is also pregnant, the hormones turn the wheel anyway but sometimes I ask myself the question of whether I should just move out and then simply pay her maintenance from birth so that I just have my peace and quiet and shouldn't be reproached.


Do whatever you think is right. The decision is far too big for someone to make it for you.


Welcome to normal life, women will always find everything you do wrong.


Oh yes, the women.

It will always be like that. If you offer them help, they say everything is OK and don't need any help. If you then sit down at the console because you have nothing to do, they complain that they have to do everything by themselves. ^^ I would just talk to her, say what is bothering you and ask her why she thinks that way and also explain to her that it is important to pursue one's hobbies in peace