Input delay controller pc fortnite?

- in Xbox

I have had more input delay in fortnite than usual for a few days, the thing is that it is not because of the controller (ps4 controller), because I tried several, not the monitor, because I have no delay on mouse and keyboard, not on the pc and not on the cable because I tried different ones and also tried bluetooth. I'm currently playing on bluetooth and you need a program called Ds4 windows for this, where you can also see how much INPUT DELAY you have at the moment is 1 to 1.5 ms which is perfect, but I definitely have 6ms in the game. It is also strange that there's a different delay in different game modes

Input delay controller pc fortnite

Oh, and with the xbox controller too, really need help! I also set 144hz everything and free sync everything.


Even if you connect the controller via USB and thus automatically load the drivers:

Download the latest drivers for the PS4 controller

If that doesn't help, reinstall the program.


What about the ping?


0 ping


Already done