What should I do about nervousness?

- in Xbox

Moin ^^ I'm 12 years old and I have the following problem: I'm quite nervous. What can I do that I'm not so nervous anymore? When my teacher made a video call, for example, I felt so warm and had a tingling sensation in my stomach. And at Xbox parties it wasn't exactly the same, but I also had a tingling sensation in my stomach. How can I make sure that it goes away? Does anyone know?


1. Nervous restlessness
Try to accept your nervousness as a natural response from your body. Your body produces adrenaline as a kind of protective mechanism to arm yourself for all eventualities. Your nervousness will also disappear shortly after you are in the feared situation, as you will be busy and get used to the situation.

2. Difficulty concentrating
Biologists have shown that difficulty concentrating in stressful situations can almost always be attributed to a lack of oxygen. Breathe deeply through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. Concentrate on slowly and deliberately breathing in and out deeply. Ideally, go to an open window or, even better, outside.


You have to practice that, brave ugliness, brave yourself. Always keep in mind that the other people smells just as bad.


Thanks ^^


Hmm… Practice embarrassing yourself? Well sounds helpful


No problem.