Ping jumps despite LAN?

- in Xbox

I have a LAN connection since today. I can't provide technical details, I'm not a specialist.

Despite the direct wired connection to my router, my ping is terrible.
I'm currently playing Ark on the Xbox one X. I've been watching my ping for 5 minutes. Strangely enough, this jumps from 15 up to 288 at irregular intervals, lingers for a few seconds and then drops again.

Unfortunately, this makes the game unplayable. Lags are always there (including fear of a disconnect)

How can lying down?


It is also because the place where you live in the country is of course something different than in the city.
There are many reasons for this.


I live in a "village". But also have fiber optics if that matters

Ping high in the evening? Lo LorenzoNalani
PS4 ping vs PS5 ping? He Hexagonlola