Can my brother hit me and my parents?

- in Xbox

I've been beaten since I was 5 and I couldn't last. At the moment my brother is also hitting me with a belt or a tennis racket.

Sometimes I just want my phone. I get it 2 hours a week and when I look my brother takes it away after 2 hours are up. But he can watch as much as he wants. My mother takes his cell phone again in the evening and sometimes he watches until 3:00. But when my brother took my phone, I took his and he started hitting me with the tennis racket. For my mother that's okay and she doesn't even protect me. Then he asked my mother for the code from my cell phone and she told him (I had to tell my mother my password or she wouldn't give it to me). He then changed Face I'd and the password. My mother does not only because I was not the best with my testimony. My father doesn't care either and he says: if you annoy me further, you'll get Xbox banned.

Do I have rights like I'm not metrically beaten and can be on the cell phone more than 2 hours a week?


Nobody can hit you. Unless he defends himself. Threaten a report to the police


No, he hits me because I took his phone and I uninstalled because he took mine


In Germany, children are not allowed to be hit by parents or siblings, contact the youth welfare office

Beautiful evening


Janice also wanted to call 116 111 but she refuses


None of that matters


Different countries, different customs, thank God I'm not from certain countries


Only once the mobile phone is yours (i.e. You have bought it), it is your property and you can do whatever you want, if you can't get the password, reset it to the factory settings so you can get past the password (but remember everything will be deleted). Second, no one can hit you, regardless of who. You have a right to physical integrity


You should call and immediately