Which device does one get the best quality DS games on?

- in Nintendo

I would like to play a few Nintendo DS games again, but am just wondering which device will give me the best quality / experience.

I can still remember earlier that DS games were pretty blurry on the 3DS. I guess that had something to do with the scaling. The quality was definitely better on the DS / DSi.

The best quality is probably on a mobile phone, since you can use high-quality controllers and the display is better (e.g. Through OLED, 120 Hz, higher native resolution through the emulator, etc.). However, the problem with the cell phone is the very unsuitable format. After all, the DS featured two displays and a cell phone only had one. Because of this, the experience on a cell phone is miserable. And I don't want to carry around a tablet with me all the time to play the DS! πŸ˜‚

That means that theoretically the DSi or DSi XL should be the best choice for playing DS games, right?!


N galaxy fold.


If you hold down the start button on the 3DS while starting a DS game, it will run in native resolution. However, you then have to live with a smaller picture and black borders.


Yes I know. But I don't think that's so good when you only have the small area to display…


Right! πŸ™πŸ‘