My Nintendo is getting warm too, the battery?

- in Nintendo

My Nintendo gets warm when I gamble with 3D and play longer. Is that bad? Or can it break the battery? I bought the Nintendo used. She said he's about 4 years old. But she didn't use it often.


Isn't it normal for devices to get warm after prolonged use?


If it only gets slightly warm, then that shouldn't be a problem and is more normal, as some warmth is always formed.

However, if it gets so hot that you almost burn yourself, then something is probably wrong with your device. Could be a defective battery that can be replaced or other defects.

But with only normal heat everything is fine. Especially if it only gets so warm in 3D, then it probably draws so much power that it gets warmer than elsewhere.


No idea had a Nintendo 2DS about 1 year ago, it wasn't like that


Thank you for your answer first!

So. It just gets warm after a while you can feel it if it is also like that with 2D I don't know I'll test it tonight. Because I don't have time because of school etc.


If it's just getting warmer after a long time, it's probably normal. If you ever have the feeling that you almost burn your fingers after 2 minutes, then I would rather worry, otherwise everything is okay!

Have fun with your Nintendo


"My Nintendo" You already know that "Nintendo" is the brand name…


Oh come be quiet! My NINTENDO because it's mine. Before you make unnecessary comments, learn German!


And do you learn to read or to remember the name of your console?


And which console?


Do i have to write that? No! I do know though


New Nintendo 3DS


"my nintendo because it's mine" it's not about the "mine" but about the fact that you don't seem to know the name of your console… "Nintendo" could just as well be another console…


If you just write the name of the development company, we can't know which console you mean.


Yes, but the New NINTENDO 3DS is


I wrote 3D that can be done by Nintendo 3DS (XL), NEW NINTENDO 3DS (XL)


I know… Still, it just triggers me if you just write to Nintendo. Most of them just write Nintendo without 3D or something…


Imagine you write to nintendo customer support and write "my nintendo". They then also think something's wrong with you


Haha the difference that this forum is NOT Nintendo lost