And? Which one was your favorite?
Unfortunately, not every video game could fit in one field, so I had to do three in one. (Metal Gear Solid & Yugioh are rather Konami but do not care ^^)
Not only Konami is in, but Sonic is from SEGA and Conker with Banjo from RARE. Also, Crash Bandicoot was released by Naughty Dog and never appeared on a Nintendo console, it was a PlayStation mascot.
And ICE CLIMBERS… Bin Generation NES.
I do not care about you. I think most people know what is meant. ^^ (besides MGS & Yugioh Nintendo has been involved in every game so I was not so wrong.)
Finally, I can erwas other than the "Other" button click 😍
I'm writing the same thing from another (similar) question
My favorite Nintendo dame and actually my favorite game ever:
Nintendo's masterpiece: Kid Icarus: Uprising
Because it simply focuses on a topic that is rarely touched upon in other games: Greek mythology has been well incorporated into the story. Graphically, the maximum was taken out of the 3DS. The supposedly difficult control is a matter of habit, but the level of difficulty in the game is individually adjustable and even for experienced players it can come to tricky situations. In terms of multiplayer, much thought and created an exciting mode.
But what convinces me most is the character design. Many and above all very own character were packed into a story and dialogograms, which are also funny when playing the story 3x.
That's why the game earned me the title "Best Game" and the icon is rightly my profile picture. 😁
Well, Nintendo has also worked with Sony and then has jumped so… Joah.