Does the bailiff take my things with me?

- in Nintendo

My parents are over-indebted years ago and have already let it come so far that the bailiff is soon at the door and our belongings garnished. I have nothing to do with these debts, work full time and buy all my stuff with my own money. The following question: I'm still living with my parents, it says that the bailiff can also seize my things / will? Pc / ps4 / TV / Wii u? Slowly panic, because I'm the only one in this household owns the things that could really be seized and I have worked out all of them with much diligence.


Of course, if you can prove it's your stuff, they will not be seized.

Credible but the whole thing still has to be.

So if now, for example, your parents put their TV in your room and you give a proof of purchase on the no name for it so you can "prove" that it is your device - but in the room is already your own TV, then VERY unbelievable. No normal person has two TVs in the same room if he lives there alone.

That was just an example. Tv are hardly seized anyway because you can hardly use them financially.


Yes and no. In principle, your things should not be seized.

But: The bailiff does not have to check the ownership. As a rule, he will keep his hands off when you give him a proof of purchase with your name. If he ever looks in your room.

If he still wants to pledge it: The way then takes you to court with a so-called third-party objection lawsuit. You then have to prove it is your property and the court will check it.


Tv are hardly seized anyway because you can hardly use them financially.

And because they belong to the basic needs (at least one per household) and thus a maximum replacement of an older device is possible.


No, your belongings belong to you. However you should be able to assure that credibly or - even better - by documents (guarantees, account statements etc.) can prove.

Since bailiffs are rarely new to the business, they know their Pappenheimer and notice already whether an indication is correct or not.