Bailiff what is he allowed to do?

- in PlayStation

I have to prepare for a visit from the bailiff. Why and how this came about is not important here.

Since I only get 240 euro AG1, since I was never the full 12/24 months in work (temporary work again at monthly intervals termination, at the end of work) Is my claim unearthly. Now I can't pay more. Incidentally, I'm late 24

I live in the parents' house, have a rented PS4, a 65 "TV, and a self-built PC. Tv and pc have dropped in value in the meantime.Since Older, that's all I own.

My debt has now risen to kanpp 4-6 thousand euro. Can be more…

Now I ask myself, is the GV of mine and good with something?

We have TV and PC in the house again, but that belongs to my parents, not me. Especially since the proceeds from it would hardly be noticeable in terms of debt.

I'm speculating on a federal state. Everything else is not a bit funktoniert. And the job search is an issue in itself, which always gives only short-term, to 1-3 months of work, until then I have just compensated for all, then is the end of use, and my micro-AG makes me again insolvent.

And do not make any debts people, because often a spark causes a forest fire.


The GV will do its job. More importantly, what are YOU doing? According to your last questions, you are gambling addicted and unemployed. Ever thought about what to change? You can now google self-help groups, make an appointment at a counseling center, and ask about therapies.

And you should stop lying in your own pocket - if you can't find work with "Ende 24" you should look for the problems yourself. Even if you work "only" 1-3 months to the minimum wage, you can already pay off a lot, as long as you live with your parents. And do not mess up the money.

So stop being sorry and get your life under control again. Your debts are far from a "forest fire", but an amount that you can balance out of their own strength.


Go to a (charitable) debt counseling and register personal bankruptcy. Then you are debt free after seven years, you cancel in this time what you can.

Pledges, the GV can only cash and things of value that are in your property.

With the debt counseling your entire expenditure is under the magnifying glass, you find out the exact amount of the started debts and you see, where you can save costs.

I wish you that you can manage your problems actively. This is the first step to freeing yourself from this burdened state and regaining control of your life.


To supplement: It can also be attached to salary / salary.


Here is a help forum. Not only do you contribute nothing to the cause, you also make accusations of stupid nature according to the motto "you will always find work".


Of course, but that's not about a home visit.


The FS has a gambling problem, debt, mom and dad is on the bag and is too good for temporary jobs. What "help" do you think appropriate?


As to the question of what the bailiff may pledge: in principle he may seize everything that is in the custody of the debtor (§808 Abs. 1 ZPO). This would include the TV and the Playstation your parents, unless they can prove on the spot by means of a purchase contract that it is their property. Also would come with TV an exchange attachment under § 810 ZPO into consideration. All this, however, is theoretical, because against the background that electronic devices (as you correctly write yourself), lose very much in value, the seizure and recovery in any proportion to the expected costs (safekeeping, possibly listing, auction fees etc) - see § 803 para. 2 ZPO. I would not assume that the GV seizes these devices.

To your speculation regarding the "oaths": This is meanwhile "asset information" and is gem. § 802 c ZPO i.V.m. § 802 f ZPO at the request of the creditor accepted. By itself, the debtor can't make a VAK. Since the creditor very frequently applies for the purchase of the VAK in the case of seizure orders, it is not very unlikely that this will be the case with you either.

All the best


You are referring to "last questions", as I was just reading. Maybe you know more than me, a gambling addiction, I could not infer from the question of FS.

Nevertheless, I find your tonality exaggerated. It's easy to get on the wrong lane, out only bad. After all, the FS is still working, which I do not think so obvious. It's not so easy to look up when you're on your nose.

His limited perspective means "bailout bailiffs".

My expectations for an answer are:
Responses to the topic are welcome. A mixture of "off topic and topic" might also work. Only "off topic", in the worst case "null topic", accusing and insulting are abysmal and throw a light back on the respondent.